It's that time of the year ! Yes, exams ! Exam time can be a major cause of stress for children and also parents. It's the time where tensions arise, tempers flare and outburst occurs. So, why these things happen ?

If we think back of what the children often did when they had an examination especially a big one , there were something not right they did . Something like staying up late at night till morning for covering up all the topics they don't know and understand yet. Something like consuming more caffeine in order to ensure that the body can be good along the night. They tend to think that last minute cramming will help them to be able to remember the points they read last nights. But then , they have to know that their mind really need rest because brains work better if rested. Other than that, if we do not organize our clothes, food and pens the night before each exam, we will also feel stress. Even waking up in a panic or arriving late for an exam, they do make things more stressful. On top of that, they tend to think the finished exam rather than to concentrating on the next test. It will make them more stressful.

So, let's do the right thing. Organize our days well, revise regularly, and concentrate on the upcoming exam smartly. And also make sure we have our alarm set for the morning that we have an exam in order to cut down on stress. hehe..:) | | | | | | |